Liam's introduction to the blog world is long overdue. The saying "every cloud has a silver lining" certainly fits this blog post. During a worldwide pandemic when all the travel I had planned for this first full year of retirement was cancelled, I had to find that "silver lining" so I got a puppy. In August, I added Divine's Locharran Liam to the pack. I've been looking for a bi black puppy for over a year now and if it hadn't been for the pandemic I wouldn't have gotten Liam as right now I'd be on a Mediterranean cruise; I wouldn't have gotten a puppy just to leave them with someone else for nearly a month.
Liam - Six weeks
Liam came home at nine weeks old; that first day was very hard, every time he napped I was in tears because he wasn't Beckett. He'll be five months old on 4 Nov. He's fit in quite well. At first Teddy was a little rough but he was never aggressive, now Teddy is very patient with a little brat who's always pulling his hair and nipping him. Keltic doesn't like Liam much and is usually the fun police but lately Keltic has been trying to get Liam to tug on a toy with him.
Liam - 10 weeks
Liam is going to be a big Sheltie. He's not quite five months and he's already as tall or taller than Keltic who is 15 1/2 inches.
Liam - 12 weeks
Liam - 14 weeks
He's been a good puppy. We've had very few accidents and usually because I've ignored him. He always whined when he needed to go out, unlike other young puppies who just stopped and peed right where they were. At night, I first had him in a kennel on my bed but then he was asking to get out two or three times a night so I decided to try him out on the bed with me, once I did that he would sleep through the night. Well mostly, he would usually have to go out between 3 and 4 am, then I would put him in the kennel for the rest of the night. He's been sleeping through the night for over a month now, getting up between 6:30 and 7:30 am. He's also sleeping on the dog beds rather than with me in bed. He's the first puppy I've had that took himself off to bed upstairs.
Liam - 4 months
Even during a pandemic I've tried to expose him to many things. He's been to a garden centre, went shopping with me to Canadian Tire, been camping and hiking and has visited with family and friends. He's been sharing Teddy's agility classes, doing tugging games and impulse control games soon we'll be able to do some basic agility training. He's not been phased by anything too much; although this week, a bunny that came out from under the cedar hedge while he was taking care of business, which did startle him a bit. The next bunny he saw though, he stood his ground and then started to chase it; that bunny escaped under the fence.
Liam out shopping
Met Beckett's litter sister, Hannah while camping
At home
Playing with Teddy
Meeting Border Collie friends
I still miss Beckett but now Liam has found his own place in my heart. I'm sure we'll have many wonderful adventures together. Hopefully, it won't be another four months before there's another post about Liam, or Teddy, or Keltic for that matter.
Counter Surfer?
I can almost reach.