Well, like many Canadians I spent much of the weekend glued to the main stream news. Fake news, the protestors called it. I'm certain that I can say the majority of Canadians are tired of living with COVID and all the necessary restrictions we have on our lives. But most of us do not express that frustration by taking a city hostage and demanding that the federal government lift all mandates. That's not how our democracy works. And in any case, even if Canada didn't have any COVID restrictions, unvaccinated people would still find their ability to travel very limited.
All that said, I'm hopeful that we'll see a more normal life this year. COVID restrictions are being slowly lifted once again. Even the federal government has changed COVID testing requirements for travelers and lifted the advisory for non-essential travel. My sister, her husband and I are in the middle of planning our trip west to Alberta and our thoughts now are to come back through the States.
Getting back to a more normal life as gathering limits have been eased, I went ahead with my Ground Hog New Year's Eve. Some people decided not to come as they were still worried about being in a group and what that could mean for elderly or otherwise immune compromised family and friends. That's okay, I respect those decisions. I decorated the house and put some bubbly on ice. We never did have the toast but it was nice to have friends over again. I think it was the first time in over a year I had anyone other than my sister and brother in law or contractors in the house.

Last night, I again had a small group of friends over for dinner. Two of us are retired and two work from home and all of us are vaccinated so I doubt there's a big risk that anyone had COVID. One of the ladies is vegan so we had salad, vegetable chili and chips with an assortment of cookies, cupcakes (some vegan) and fruit for dessert. I didn't take any pictures. The chili was wonderful but I'm glad I didn't put in as much chili powder as the recipe called for, it was spicy enough with a little bit less. I also put in less beans, corn and tomatoes than the recipe called for.
Vegan Chili Recipe
We had a good time chatting, hopefully as the weather gets better, I'll be able to host a few more people since we'll be able to move outdoors.
Movie theatres and restaurants have been open for the last few weeks with capacity limits and with vaccine certificates required but they'll be allowed to go to full capacity this week and vaccine certificates, if things stay as they are, won't be required for much longer. Not sure, I'll want to go to a restaurant right away but maybe to the theatre. And a friend and I are still planning on visits to the Museum of Natural History (she has a membership) and to the War Museum (as a vet I get in free along with up to two escorts). Both of these museums had to close during the Freedom Convoy and during the police operations to disperse them. Mask mandates will still be enforced indoors, probably through the spring but I'm kind of getting used to that.
I'm thinking that perhaps it's time to consider international travel again, a river cruise on the Danube or a self driving trip to Scotland. But not right away; I think by spring or fall of 2023 things should be good and I'll be more comfortable about traveling.
So for now that's my life with COVID, dog agility lessons on Wednesdays and infrequent outings or gatherings with a small number of friends and family. I don't feel that the government has taken my freedoms, that was pretty much my life before COVID too, although I have missed international travel.