I suppose it is the memories of Christmas past that make us either happy or sad at this time of year. I know for me, they make me both happy and sad, well maybe not sad but nostalgic.
One of the memories I have of Christmas is of my mother baking Christmas sweets to enjoy. I don't know how she did it, with six kids and, for a lot of the time, she was also working. There was always plenty of sweets to eat at Christmas time, shortbread, fruit cake, sugar cookies, cherry nut loaf, date and nut loaf, and of course, mincemeat pie. I don't know where she found the time; baking one batch of cookies takes me all afternoon. This year I did make shortbread cookies, an orange cranberry loaf and a cherry nut loaf.
Shortbread cookies |
Orange Cranberry loaf |
My parents also used to make Acadian meat pies every Christmas. I did a blog post about Christmas meat pies last year. We grew up calling them tourtieres. Meat pies always bring back memories of going to Midnight Mass then coming home to have meat pie, some sweets and opening one gift before heading to bed, as a child that was such a magical time. I made meat pies again this year.
Acadian Meat Pie |
But I think the most Christmas memories come when I decorate my Christmas tree; this year I called him Albert. I see pictures of other people's tree and they look stunning like they should be in a magazine. Some people I know even occasionally change the theme of their tree, so I don't know if their tree holds as many memories. Many of the ornaments on my tree hold special memories for me and even though it may not look like a tree from a fashion magazine, it is still beautiful. There are ornaments my parents gave to me. One from the US Air Force Academy; it is an ornament depicting the Academy Chapel. I had drawn that chapel as part of a grade school math project so when they traveled out west many years later, it was souvenir they thought to buy for me.
I have ornaments that I bought for my parents that with their passing have returned to me. They make me a little sad but also bring my parents closer to me.
To Mom with Love |
Very Special Dad |