Thursday, February 20, 2025

Snow Daze

 Well it's February and my FaceBook memories tell me that we often have lots of snow. And this year has been no different; between 13 Feb and 16 Feb, we received 69 cm of snow.  For those who aren't metric, that over 27 inches of snow. Officially, we got 32 cm on Thursday, 13 Feb and then 37 cm overnight on 15 Feb and into Sunday, 16 Feb.  It was the most snow over four days in 17 years. I shoveled the driveway three times on Sunday, did the side yard twice and the back deck once and I'm sure we had more than what the City reported on the 16th.  A 5 cm difference is only about 2 inches and given how deep the snow was when I went to shovel, it was a lot more than two inches extra.

The picture above was taken on 14 Feb, the day after the first storm, then the City had managed to keep the sidewalks and trails plowed. The City couldn't even keep up with the wind blowing the snow around and filling in the sidewalks during the last storm. The picture below shows the trail through the park on 17 Feb, the day after the storm, and the next picture was taken on 20 Feb with the trail through the park finally plowed.

I'm sure glad to have snow removal service. I still have to shovel for the dogs and clear the edges of the driveway but I don't have to figure out where to put all the snow from the driveway. My neighbours still shovel and the snow banks on their driveway are so high they can throw it up anymore.

During the storm

Back yard

Trail for the dogs
I have to admit that the snow does make things look pretty even though I'm not much of a winter activities kind of person.  Good thing is that the days are getting longer and the temperatures should start getting above freezing.  March can be bad for snow storms too, but at least in March you know that it will soon melt. 

I'm hoping we won't have too many more real big snow days this winter. Summer is coming though, we've booked two camping trips already.