This past weekend, we trialled at Absolute Agility Recreational Facility (AARF) at their last indoor trial of the season; in May they move to the outdoor facility which is father away from my place so we haven't gone there very often.
We ran two Standards, two Gamblers, a Snooker and a Jumpers. First up was a Standard, we were eliminated from that run as I did some training in the ring when Beckett leaped off the teeter so I put him back on twice. The judge had faulted us for the teeter anyway so we couldn't have Q'd. The last part of the course ran beautifully.
Next up was a Gamblers, I didn't have a lot of hope of Beckett getting the main gamble, but I said I would be happy if he even did part of it.
For our opening, we went down and back, tire, dog walk, tunnel, tunnel, dog walk, tire, tunnel, teeter, 4 point jump, 4 point jump, weave, weave and was just heading to the single jump near the teeter again when the buzzer went. At least the buzzer went, we actually ran this opening twice as the first time they forgot the buzzer, that was the longest 40 seconds ever. I gave Beckett a few seconds to calm down and lo and behold, he went straight out to the tunnel, did jump 2 and came back to me and did jump 3 but wouldn't go out to 4. I was happy though as usually getting him out to the distance obstacle is hard.
Next run was our Snooker. Technically a two-point Snooker but they only counted one point but since you need 40 to Q, there wasn't much point having the results changed.
I started with the red on the right hand side near the tunnel. That went fine and then it was on to obstacle 6, a jump weave combination. Beckett did the jump and I was doing a front cross to put him into the weaves when he did the back red jump. Not only did he jump it but back jumped it too. Tweet, the run was over. Beckett usually stays right with me on crosses, I never saw that back red as a trap.
Had we gotten the Snooker Q, that would have been his Masters Snooker title. Three runs and no Q's, I was getting discouraged. The next run was another Standard and again we were eliminated for an off-course, I was really getting discouraged and a little tired.
Up next was another Gamblers, this one, I knew if Beckett would just go to the tunnel that he could get it, so I cleared my head and took a deep breathe and off we went.

My opening was nearly the same as the first gamble, down and back along the dog walk. After the teeter we did the chute, the double jump and the 4 point tunnel twice, back to the double and Beckett was in the chute when the buzzer went. When he came out of the chute, I just backed up a little towards the teeter, gave him a second to calm down and told him over, tunnel. And to my surprise, he went, no spinning, no barking, nothing but a beeline over the jump to the tunnel. For a split second I didn't even move but then I got my focus back, got him over jump 3, did a front cross and put him over jump 4 and he just took off for jump 5. A 37 point opening, doubled for completing the gamble for a total of 74 points in just 56.34 seconds; we even had time to spare as mini dogs had 20 seconds to complete the main gamble. It was Beckett's second Masters Gamblers Q, now two more to go for his Masters Gamblers title.
The trial was running late and I debated whether or not to stay for the Jumpers course. The indoor venue for AARF is about an hour from my place so we had quite the drive home. After a friend looked at the course map and said it didn't look bad and because there were only 11 dogs in the event, I decided to give it a go.
It did run very nice. The only little bobble we had was that I was way behind Beckett when he came out of the chute. He spun just a bit but I told him tunnel and he went and we were far enough away from the tunnel that we didn't incur any faults. A clean run in 36.13 seconds on a course that allowed a time of 46 seconds for mini dogs. Our second Q of the trial, I was very happy with that result and Beckett and Keltic got a nice jackpot of hot dogs before I packed up.
So now Beckett needs just one Snooker and two Gamblers for his Agility Trial Champion title. I would love to see him do it before the end of the summer but we'll be happy whenever he gets it. With the Jumpers Q, he also only needs two more for his Bronze Expert Jumpers.
There is video of some of his runs but a friend videoed for us so they are not on my camera but are on her iPad. When she posts them, I'll be sure to put them up on my blog.
Today, both dogs went to the groomer, they sorely needed it. Here are the after shots taken from the side. Keltic got what I call a puppy cut as he doesn't mind running through puddles and is still digging a bit so hopefully that will keep him a little cleaner until the yard can dry out.
Beckett's next trial is at Dream Fields in May, maybe by then we'll be able to get outdoors to practice a bit.
Go, Beckett, Go!!