Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Royal Edinburgh Military Tattoo

After we had booked our trip to Scotland, I saw a post on Facebook from the RCMP Pipes and Drums, that they said were sending band members to be part of the Massed Pipes and Drums at the Edinburgh Tattoo. The post had a link to the Tattoo web site and ticketing.   It was quite expensive but as we would be in Edinburgh while the Tattoo was on, I decided to ask my sisters if they wanted to go. I don't really have a Bucket List but as this was a once in a lifetime opportunity, we decided to buy tickets.

The show is outdoors on the esplanade to Edinburgh Castle. The show has never been cancelled due to weather, only COVID cancelled the show.  There are a few weekends where there are matinee performances in the afternoon but we went to an evening show at 9:30pm. We all had raincoats but also bought rain ponchos to go over top. Luckily, it only sprinkled a bit on the night we went but the ponchos acted like wind breakers too and kept us warmer during the performance.

Edinburgh Castle from Princes Gardens

Edinburgh Castle Esplanade

The staff of the Tattoo are very proficient at getting the thousands of people seated. There are food and drink vendors on the esplanade before the performance.  At ten minutes before the show, they start counting down to the start of the show.


Arrival of the Guest of Honour
The first performance was a fanfare played by the Royal Marines followed by the March On of the Massed Pipes and Drums. The Canadian RCMP members are quite visible in their red serge jackets.  

Massed Pipes and Drums

The Tattoo had many other performers and dancers.  The United States was represented by the Naval Services band, the Naval Ceremonial Drill Team, the band and pipes and drums from the Citadel, a military college in South Carolina. There was also a drum corps from Belgium as well as Highland Dancers and Teamwork India.  They kept the show moving quickly and sadly, it wasn't long before the hour and half show was over.

The finale is marked with the March Off of the Massed Pipes and Drums with the complete cast of the Tattoo. They go down the street outside the castle and many people line up to watch the bands and cast march down the street. Fireworks over the castle cap off the end of the show.

The show is spectacular. I hope you enjoyed these highlights. If you ever have the chance, you should go. Next year is the 75th anniversary of the Tattoo, so if you were thinking about a trip to Scotland maybe it would be the time to go.


  1. How fun. I would have loved to seen this in person. Beautiful.

    Thank you for joining the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Happy Tuesday. ♥

  2. What a spectacular and exciting performance!


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