We've now completed week 3 on Ceilidh's journey with Palladia, a chemotherapy drug for dogs with Mast Cell tumours. She had two occasions when she brought up stomach bile but these episodes did not affect her appetite. She's becoming more incontinent, so now the places where she likes to nap are covered with blankets or towels. The things that do concern me are that she's becoming more reactive to Beckett, he seems to think it's just a game but I worry that she will become more aggressive with time because of the steroids but even though she's more reactive, she is also quieter and it's not a thoughtful quiet like she used to be but rather a dull quiet that you see in someone that doesn't feel well. We have our next recheck on Friday, 5 Mar 2010. They will do blood work on that visit to compare with the baseline tests done a month ago. If all is well our next recheck will be in a month. And if her blood work is fine, Ceilidh will do an agility fun trial on Saturday 6 Mar 2010. How she does at the fun trial will help me make the decision on whether to enter her in the Ontario Agility Regional Championship in May.
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