This year, Keltic played agility in a house league for mainly Starter and pre-Starter dogs called K9 Kup. He was on a team called the Sibe Tribe. The team was made up of 6 Siberian Huskies, two Australian Shepherds, a Keeshund and Keltic, a Sheltie. The K9 Kup has four events over the season which runs from June to Oct. At each event, there are three courses, a Standard and two of the games, Steeplechase, Gamblers, Jumpers and Snooker. Every dog runs all three courses and then the best four runs from the team count for the placements but if your team places all the dogs receive a ribbon.
The Sibe Tribe |
When we started the season, Keltic wasn't doing any weaves so each time there were weaves on course, we would just have to skip them and take the 20 faults. That meant that our scores usually didn't count for the team. Our two Steeplechase runs did count though as since it is time plus faults and we didn't waste any time trying to get the weaves done, our times were quite respectable.
We worked on our weaves and at this last K9 Kup for the 2013 season, I was going to try to have Keltic get his weaves. The courses this time were a Standard, a Jumpers and a Snooker. First up for us was Jumpers. It ran very fast, Keltic didn't miss a jump and went straight on like a flash to the tunnels. We will have to work on "go" as when he came out of the last tunnel, he turned back towards me rather than going on to the tire. I got him turned around and he did the tire and I'm pretty sure it wasn't faulted.
Jumpers |
Next up for us was Snooker, we did red jump, A-frame, red jump, A-frame, red jump, tire and started our close (obstacles 2 to 7 in numerical order). We got to the weaves with lots of time left. How do I know, because I had time to send Keltic 4 times into the weaves. The first time he very nearly got it as he only popped out at about the 10th pole. It was alright that we didn't get the weaves though as we had our 37 points at the A-frame.
Snooker |
Our last event of the day was the Standard and I was glad to see only 6 weaves. I was pretty sure after Steeplechase that he would do six. Our Standard run was great, although he self released from the A-frame and teeter, wouldn't go down on the table and he wouldn't weave! I had to call and send him through the six poles, but we had a clean run even with all of that. So nice that the dogs don't have to down on the table any more or we might have been over time.
Standard |
I was very happy with our runs. I'm sure some of them counted for the team score but I didn't get to see the final results. The Sibe Tribe took first place in our Division in all of the events this year and first place over all in the 2013 K9 Kup.
The champs! |
It was fun to have Keltic be an honorary Siberian Husky. He was even included on the team's T-shirt.
Do you see? That's Keltic on the sled.
Keltic might be a good little agility dog after all. He seems to like to run, hasn't had any issues with zoomies, has gotten more focused over the summer and hasn't showed any signs of spinning. Did you hear that Beckett. Keltic only jumped 10" at K9 Kup. I registered him at 16" for his first AAC trial, we'll see how things go at that height and will make the decision later on if he stays as a Regular dog or moves to Specials.
Go Keltic Go!