For the third trial in a row Beckett got a Q in both Jumpers and Steeplechase. He now only needs one more Q for his Master Jumpers title. The Steeplechase title is still a ways off, Beckett still needs 6 more for that title.
We are still struggling with distance for Gambles and off courses in our Standards saw us eliminated in those. But Beckett was running well and there are always good moments and firsts. Beckett stayed out under the dog walk to take the chute in our first Standard. That was a first, he has always come back to me under the dog walk.
It was an awesome day overall. Even Tucker had fun walking in the pastures and sharing Beckett's hot dogs.
Steeplechase was our first run of the day. It went beautifully except for the one bar but Beckett was fast enough that he still qualified. If I had it to do over I would rear cross on the descending side of 16. I saw one person do it this way, the dog turns a bit wide but there's nothing for them to take so it really wasn't a risk.

Masters Standard 1 was our third run of the day. I knew the weave entry was going to be tough as was the tunnel entrance at the far corner. I was happy with Beckett's contacts and especially that he stayed out to do the chute under the dog walk. The other times we've seen layering like that, the obstacle after the tunnel was a jump and Beckett wouldn't stay out to do it.
Master Standard

Masters Jumpers
Beckett has turned out to be a wonderful agility dog and sure is a special little guy.
What a fun weekend! Congratulations!